Its latest manifestation as a splendid birdhouse, created by Bert Gruber of Hawthorne, NJ. Lucky Birds!
On the quilt sold to raise funds for the Dennis Memorial Library addition.
Unknown painter.
Watercolor painting by local artist, Ursula Taggart.
This historical photograph resides at the much loved Red Cottage Restaurant in South Dennis.
On a quilt at the Dennis Town offices.
Left on our doorstep in 2011. Another unknown artist.
Art by Brewster artist, Karen North Wells.
Another lovely piece by Brewster artist, Karen North Wells.
Tile by Ann Blechstein.
Hidden behind fallen trees after Storm Irene in 2011.
Contributed by our Dennis Library Board representative and patron, Ann Aboody.
A gift from South Dennis artist and woodcarver, Howard Bonington.
"A Whale of a Town" by local artist, Theresa LaBrecque.
A sunset over the library, taken from the across-the-street home of The Hemmenway family, long-time supporters of the library.
Christmas time at the library.
This photograph, entitled "Blue Shutters - Blue Sky" was taken on February 19, 2011 by Stanley Wetzel, and won First Prize in the Dennis Arts and Culture Council's 4th juried photo contest on April 12, 2011.
Special thanks to Andre Speyer for photographing and/or scanning all these images.